Client: Transport Scotland
Value: £10.60M
Engineer: URS Ltd
Designer: Tony Gee and Partners LLP
Completed: 2014
The contract was for the design and construction of two grade-separated junctions (including 2 no. 51m span/100 tonne bridges) on the A77 Trunk Road between Spittalhill Interchange and Dutch House Roundabout within South Ayrshire. The project included earthworks, drainage, service diversions, signage, road markings and traffic management, as well as environmental and landscaping measures.
Key Issues:
• Working immediately adjacent to, and on-line of, the A77 Trunk Road for 5.6km stretch
• Construction of 2 no. 50m single-span bridges, incorporating installation of 2 no. braced pairs of 100t I-beam sections in each
• Direct liaison with 25+ local landowners with works taking place within their boundaries
• Close consultation required with Police Scotland, Scotland TranServ and South Ayrshire Council in order to minimise disruption
• Development of 2 no. borrow pits for the scheme in close proximity to the works
• Full archaeological watching brief during the early stages of the works
• Weekly ecological checks during bird nesting season
• Successful overnight operation in October 2013 to winch both bridges into place
Principal Elements included:
Structural concrete 1,000m3
Fill material 100,000t
Sub-base 45,000t
Surfacing 35,000m2