RJ McLeod


Client: Southside Housing Association
Value: £1.59M
Engineer: Ironside Farrar
Completed: 2019



The contract was for improvements to the greenspace around the Moss Heights & Berryknowes Avenue in the south side of Glasgow, creating a community park. It included site clearance, installation of drainage including SUDS, construction of a new access road, hard landscaping (steps, paths, paving, and creation of viewpoints), soft landscaping (planting and seeding, creation of new community growing space) and installation of street furniture, outdoor activity zones and play areas.



Key Issues
• Working in very close proximity to residential properties
• Working on steep gradients
• Limited access to work areas and maintaining access for residents



Principal Elements included:
Rain gardens 600m²
Hard landscaping 1,700m²
Play Equipment 35 no. items
Precast steps 190 no. (14+ flights)

RJ McLeod