RJ McLeod

Environmental & Sustainability

As a civil engineering contractor, RJ McLeod is committed to promoting sustainability and protection of the environment in which we operate. Our strategy is based on a partnership approach in conjunction with our clients, designers, supply chain and other interested parties, as a team, to obtain solutions to the benefit of all.

To achieve this, our activities are organised and managed through an Environmental Management System designed around the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and the ISO 50001 Energy
Management Standard.

The Company recognises that our most significant long term impact on the environment is the consumption of fossil fuels, primarily gas oil, in our construction operations. We are therefore committed to carrying out our construction process as efficiently as possible.

In the implementation of our Environmental Management System, we will:

Legal and other requirements

  • Comply with relevant legal and other requirements
  • Work proactively with regulators and other interested parties to protect the environment in which we operate


  • Educate, train and motivate employees to carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner in accordance with the Company’s environmental rules
  • Promote community benefit by providing training and employment opportunities to unemployed and disadvantaged members of the community
  • Source goods and services locally wherever possible

Construction and service provision

  • Act to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment, ecology and amenity of our project sites
  • Seek to reduce the consumption of primary materials in all operations, re-use rather than dispose whenever possible and promote recycling
  • Develop, implement and monitor site specific control measures in order to prevent pollution
  • Invest in energy efficient plant and use fossil fuels as efficiently as possible
  • Responsibly source materials and services
  • Endeavour to use locally-sourced materials and subcontractors


We will improve the effectiveness of the environmental management system through the analysis of data from:

  • Internal audit results
  • Customer feedback
  • Environmental incidents
  • External audit reports

In addition we will:

  • Establish performance indicators aimed at improving performance in the use of our significant energy sources
  • Measure our carbon footprint and seek to minimise our greenhouse gas emissions

This policy will be communicated through publication in our Starter Packs for new employees, on our noticeboards and website. It will be available to interested parties on request.



Joint Managing Director

Issued: April 2021

RJ McLeod