RJ McLeod

A82 Crianlarich Bypass

Client: Transport Scotland
Value: £5.05M
Engineer: Grontmij
Completed: 2015

  A82 Crianlarich Bypass (1)

Commencing in September 2013, this contract was for the construction of a bypass to re-route the A82 trunk road to the west side of Crianlarich. It included construction of 1.3km of single carriageway road including two roundabouts and tie-ins to the existing A82; a pedestrian underpass to carry the West Highland Way, retaining wall, watercourse culverts including mammal underpasses, and various new accesses to land and properties off the A82. The bypass will help reduce congestion at the site where the A82 and A85 trunk roads meet and also help traffic to avoid low bridges.

A82 Crianlarich Bypass (2)

Key Issues:
• West Highland Way remaining open to walkers throughout construction of the pedestrian underpass
• Disruption to local residents and business owners kept to a minimum, maintaining good relationships with all
• Surplus of materials from cut/fill utilised in reprofiling natural line of conifers located in adjacent areas
• Positive input into local economy through employment, rental of staff accommodation and patronisation of local facilities

A82 Crianlarich Bypass (3)

Principal Elements included:
Surfacing 15,000m2
Earthworks (Cut) 120,000m3
Earthworks (Fill) 55,000m3
Fencing 6,000m
Box Culverts 6 no.
SUDS Ponds 3 no.
Roundabouts 2 no.
Trees/Shrubs 24,000 no.

A82 Crianlarich Bypass (4)

 A82 Crianlarich Bypass (5)

RJ McLeod